How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat?

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Snapchat

Do you ever get the feeling that a particular friend on If Someone Blocked You on Snapchat? has suddenly gone missing into thin air? Surprisingly, it is rather confusing and at times annoying when you cannot trace a particular person in your contacts or the disappearances of their snaps in your feed.

Some people may lose their friends on Snapchat and wonder, “Did they block me?”  Understandably, such doubt arises in the minds of users, Thus, it is crucial to identify the symptoms to resolve any ambiguity and proceed with the proper strategy.

This guide will help you understand the signs of exclusion, how to find out with certainty if it has happened, and tips on how to deal with the situation constructively. Even if you’re not quite sure if you have a block or not, knowing what to do can definitely save you some worry and keep your social media peace of mind intact.

How To Know If Someone Blocked You on Snapchat or Deleted Your Account?

Ever wondered if someone has blocked you or simply removed you on Snapchat? It’s a common question that arises when you notice changes in your contacts. Sometimes it can be hard for businesses to understand the difference between being blocked and being removed.

Fortunately, certain criteria can easily help in the differentiation of the two. If you are wondering whether you are standing on the other side of the fence, here are some things that may assist you in knowing if the person has blocked you or maybe he or she has deleted the Facebook account.

1. Check Your Friends List

First of all, scan through the list of your friends. If they are absent from the list displayed, it could mean that they have unfriended/unfollowed you or deactivated their account.

Note, however, that people change usernames from time to time making this method not 100% perfect.

2. Search For Their Username

Look for their username or full name on Snapchat Video Saver in case you lost their snap code. In case they have blocked you, the search result will not display the account holder’s information. On the other hand, if she has deactivated the account, it cannot be found in any search engine.

As another method, you can perhaps ask a friend who has a social media account to seek the username you are looking for. If it works for them but not you, then there is a high chance that you have been banned or blocked.

3. Send a Message

Try to reach them and send a message. If you have been blocked you will be able to see the message as if it was delivered but the other person will not. If they have deleted the account then the message will remain in the pending list and will not be delivered.

4. Check Their Snap Score

Snap Score simply represents the entire snaps sent and received. Sometimes users are not able to see someone’s Snap Score; it means that the person has blocked you or has deleted his/her account.

It should be noted, however, that Snap Scores can also be obscured at the request of users by using privacy settings, thereby making this method not very effective.

5. Look For Their Stories

If the persons whose photos your feed used to be filled with are no longer visible, then they could have potentially blocked you or they deactivated their accounts. In an informal conversation with a common friend, inquire if they are able to access the said person’s stories. If they can but you cannot then that means you have been blocked.

6. Analyse Recent Interactions

Think about your last conversation with the person. If there was a correspondence dispute or a few days’ pause, it would be a clue to indicate whether they blocked you.

Also confirm if they have been interactive on other social media sites. If they have deleted themselves from all the social platforms, they may have logged out from society entirely.

7. Use a Different Account

You can still look for their username if you are still not convinced using the different account of snapchat. If you discover them with the new account it is a probable hint that your original account has been deactivated. If you still have no idea where they are, then definitely they have this luck of deleting their facebook account.

How To Know If Someone Blocked You From Viewing Their Story on Snapchat?

Are they still in your friends list? If so, please can you confirm that you can still see their username? There are various signs you can consider when trying to figure out whether they have blocked you or not; if their name is no longer showing or their page looks ‘off’ (as in missing their Bitmoji or profile picture).

Another method that can be used is by attempting to find their username. If you see that their profile does not exist or if there is a pop up notifying you that such a person is not found, then it is evident that such a person has blocked you.

Let’s look at their activity on one of such platforms, namely Snapchat. If you find that others can see their stories but you cannot, then you will realise they might have removed you from their friends list or they do not accept your friend requests or at worse, they have blocked you from viewing their updates.

Nevertheless, it is pivotal to understand that the use of these signs can be indicative of a block, but changes in privacy settings or deactivation of the account can cause a decrease in visibility, so it is appropriate to advise taking more context and recent interactions with the individual into consideration.

How To Tell If Someone Deleted You or Blocked You on Snapchat?

There are several signs that can show that someone has blocked you on Snapchat when they have decided to make such a move. Firstly, you may end up finding that their username is not in your contact list anymore or in the list of people to whom you have recently chatted.

Also, any snap or message which you have sent to them may be marked as ‘Read’ but they will not receive any notification. That there is a new snap or message awaiting their attention, thus the snap or message will still be pending and can be unnoticed by them.

Another crucial sign is that their Bitmoji or Snap score isn’t progressing or changing, which means they probably long inactive or don’t engage with your account.

Lastly, if you decide to search for their username, it could be completely erased from the search suggesting that the person has either deactivated their account or even blocked you.

Is Someone Unfollowing You? Steps to Check If You Have Been Blocked

To find out whether you’ve been blocked on Snapchat or not, there are several processes that have to be followed. First, one should attempt to send a snap or a message to the person that they think blocked them.

Such a message implies a block if it has remained pending or undelivered for an extended period without being opened. The other approach is by typing the desired username of the individual in Snapchat. If they cannot be searched but can only be found through connecting with their common.

Friends or by logging out of the Facebook website, there is a strong possibility that they have blocked them. Finally, look at the last time they were active, if the Bitmoji or Snap score has not been updated over an extended period and you are receiving no reply, it strengthens the possibility of being blocked.

What is a Snapchat Video Downloader?

A Snapchat video downloader refers to an application or tool through which one can download videos from the Snapchat platform on the device one wants to download it in. It allows users to download Snapchat videos offline, circumventing the intended limitation of the app wherein users can only share or forward videos within the platform.

This can be particularly helpful when it comes to capturing and sharing videos and Pictures that may have been on snapchat’s main screen for viewing, but can be useful for other purposes such as personal collections or sharing of data off the app.

How Can One Use Snapchat Video Downloader?

To use a snapchat video downloader, you only need to copy the video link and share the video link with the downloader tool. After the link is given, the downloader takes the video and presents the format and resolution the user would wish for the download to be done. The users can then download the video and store it in their device for replay later or share it with others.

Benefits of Snapchat Downloader

Some of the advantages of using a Snapchat Video downloader include the following. The user can download funny images or videos and view them in the comfort of his or her home The use of a Snapchat downloader can also help the user save special moments, which a friend might have snapped to him or her.

The feature enables users to create a list that such a person may wish to keep for sentimental value or to show some friends who Someone Blocked You on Snapchat. Also, with using a downloader, a user can decide on the proper format and quality of videos for watches.

On different types of devices and according to his/her taste. In aggregate, the extension improves the user experience because control over shared content remains even outside Someone Blocked You on Snapchat?.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

If someone blocks you on Snapchat, then you will not be able to see them in friends list and also their username will be deleted there. You may also realise that any snap or message you send to them is received but remains in a pending or unread status.

Indeed, when a person takes their time to block you on snapchat, then he/she will prevent you from sending a snap or message to him/her, and your conversation also may be deleted. Their username will also potentially vanish from your list of friends.

Yes, you are right, if your pathetic friend decided to block you on Snapchat, it becomes impossible to view his/her stories and snaps as well as unable to send a friend request.

People you block will never see snaps or messages you sent them even if you remove them as a friend on Snapchat. But they can’t see any other news or snaps or messages unless you two are friends again.

If a person decides to block you on Snapchat, then you will be unable to see any of the chatting histories with him or her again. The conversation history actually can be erased from your ‘chat’ list.

If you wish to see who you have blocked on your snap chat then you have to go to where you are connected to your friends after which you have to select your profile icon just below your friends list you will find ‘Blocked’ when you click on it you will be able to see the list of users which you have blocked and further you can unblock them if you want to.


If you think someone might have Someone Blocked You on Snapchat?, watch for signs such as no recent activity, undelivered messages, and not being able to see their Stories or Snaps. Also, tools like Snapchat Downloader can improve your Snapchat experience by letting you download content without watermarks for free. With these insights and tools, you can manage your Snapchat experience with confidence.

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